LiveBPMNBPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) model execution

Drag & drop your own BPMN file right here or right-click to load the file from you local file system

You may alternatively choose a test case (top-left menu) or a business case (top-right menu)

LiveBPMN is an experimental software as a service. You may help us improving its quality by sending any comment to

Boundary event
Cancel & compensation events
Complex gateway
Conditional & default flows
Embedded subprocess
Event subprocess
Event-based gateway
Exclusive & inclusive gateways
Message event
Parallel & inclusive gateway
Signal event
Terminate event
Timer event
Ver. 1.0.6
Telework approval
Crisis management (start & end)
Crisis management (coordination)
Belongings' drop-off

LiveBPMNBPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) model execution

Drag & drop your own BPMN file right here or right-click to load the file from you local file system

You may alternatively choose a test case (top-left menu) or a business case (top-right menu)

LiveBPMN is an experimental software as a service. You may help us improving its quality by sending any comment to

LiveBPMN is an experimental software as a service

If you experience a bug then send an e-mail to with your BPMN source file attached to the e-mail and a concise description of the encountered situation

Barbier--Darnal informatique

Consultancy, training and development services on BPMN, UML
based on leading editors (CATIA Magic, Enterprise Architect…),
platforms (Activiti, Bizagi, Bonita, Camunda, jBPM…),
and languages (C++, Java, Python, and TypeScript)

Hire me by sending an e-mail to